
MFEprimer-3.3 #

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New feature #

In case of multiplex PCR for next-generation sequencing (e.g., tNGS), add three flags for output amplicons in fasta format. MFEprimer SE PE 示意图

For input file, support two ways: #

  1. a file with primers in fasta format: all primers in this file will be treated by mfeprimer as multiplex PCR reaction.
  2. a file with primers in tsv format: each line has at least three items: name forward_seq reverse_seq. Items since 4th will be ignored and no space are allowed in name. Primer paires in each line will be treated by mfeprimer as a normal two primer pair PCR reaction.

For output file, support two ways: #

  1. traditional text format.
  2. output in a tsv format.

Improvement #

Compiled binaries for multiple platforms.